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Millions of us, I imagine, have a skincare routine of some sort. We understand the importance of caring for our skin and take action daily. But can the same be said when it comes to our eyes? How many of us have implemented an eye care routine? Our eyes and their health are so important that taking great care of them should be high up on our priorities list.
I certainly didn’t have an eye care routine until this year. I’ve been a contact lens wearer for over 20 years, practically sticking a finger in my eye on the daily, but other than attending routine eye tests, I didn’t spare my eyes much of a thought.
Although, all that changed when they started causing me problems…
My contact lenses became increasingly uncomfortable to wear, and my eyelids would become puffy. I could swear I had some grit in them, and they would burn too. The burning was the worst part. And yet, as these symptoms came and went, I just lived with them.
I can only imagine how many countless others are needlessly living with frustrating symptoms too.
At a routine eye test, I talked to my optician about my symptoms, and that’s when they diagnosed me with Dry Eye and Blepharitis. Both are very common conditions, and whilst Blepharitis is chronic, they’re both easily treatable. This was how my at-home eye care routine began.
Did you know? During hay fever season (March-September), many people can suffer from itchy, red, and tired eyes. For those who suffer from Dry Eye Disease year-round, it only exacerbates their symptoms even further. In a recent survey conducted by Théa, 76% of people believed an allergy caused their dry eye symptoms.
5-step at-home eye care routine:
Step #01 Warm
The first step in my eye care routine involves warming my eyes; this helps prevent oil glands from clogging.
I use a reusable eye warming mask which I’ve heated in a microwave for 30 seconds. Sitting back, I apply the mask over my eyes and leave it there for up to 10 minutes. Not only does this help to relieve my symptoms, but it’s also a fantastic way to take ten uninterrupted minutes out of my day to sit and breathe – it’s very therapeutic.
Step #02 Massage
Following warming my eyes, it’s time to give them a gentle massage; this helps to release the oil from the Meibomian glands. For each eye, I use one finger to massage up and down on the eyelid and below my eye for around 30 seconds.
Step #03 Cleanse
It’s time to cleanse the eyelids using a sterile eyelid cleansing wipe. The wipe removes any debris around my eyes as well as dust and pollen. I find it really refreshing, especially in the morning. If I have any stinging in my eyes, the wipe pretty much instantly takes it away, which is fantastic.
Did you know? Your eye health and vision can be compromised by many different factors, from your diet and environment to age and lifestyle.
Step #04 Hydrate
Wearing contacts is near impossible when my eyes feel dry; using eye drops at intervals during the day keeps my eyes hydrated and comfortable.
Step #05 Remove
I’ve put this step last as it’s not required of everyone and is only necessary for the evening, but if it applies to you, you will need to do this first before anything else. This step is for fellow makeup wearers and simply requires the thorough removal of eye makeup. The eyelid cleansing wipes will help to remove any makeup residue, but it’s really important to have removed as much as possible before you get to that step.
And there you have it. Having a daily eye care routine has helped improve my eye conditions allowing me to get on with my day and keep all the frustrating irritation at bay. There really is no need to put up with these very common eye conditions, just taking some simple actions can make all the difference.
Bonus Eye Care Routine Tips to Give Your Eyes a Little Extra TLC
- Take a break from your screen every hour for 5-10 minutes.
- Adopt the’ 20-20-20′ rule. For every 20 minutes spent using a screen, look away at something 20 feet away for a total of 20 seconds.
- Have your eyes tested every two years, even if you think your vision is fine. An eye test is not just about checking for new glasses; optometrists are trained to detect signs of eye disease and can refer you to a specialist.
About Théa:
Established in the UK in 2008, Théa is uncompromising in its approach to developing the best eye care solutions that won’t damage or irritate eyes. They are committed to providing products which are 100% free from preservatives where possible. Théa works closely with ophthalmology departments in numerous UK hospitals to develop high-quality solutions that work for you.
If you feel you have any of the symptoms/conditions mentioned within this post, why not try Théa’s helpful online symptoms tracker. However, you should visit an eye care specialist for any issues relating to your eyes.
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Do you suffer from dry eyes or Blepharitis? Do you currently have an eye care routine? Do you have any tips of your own to share? Whatever you’d like to say – or ask – please do! Simply leave me a comment in the box below, I’m happy to help and I always love to hear from you.